

Energy from waste facilities could produce homegrown electrolytic hydrogen from the mid-2020s, helping to kick-start the UK’s hydrogen economy and accelerate regional decarbonisation.

Using proven electrolysis technology, energy from waste facilities could start to produce significant volumes for multiple users.

  • During periods of high renewable output our flexible, dispatchable sites would be able to switch between electricity export to the grid and hydrogen production.
  • We could use proven electrolyser technology to produce hydrogen at our sites from 2023, and at commercial scale from 2024. This would help kick-start the UK’s nascent hydrogen economy.
  • Hydrogen from energy from waste would complement rather than compete with ‘green hydrogen’ and ‘blue hydrogen’, which are dependent on the weather and natural gas prices respectively.
  • Hydrogen production could interlink our plants with the regional and national hydrogen infrastructure to underpin the development of a hydrogen economy as most of our plants are located in industrial areas next to large industrial demands. It could also be used as a fuel for HGVs that serve our sites.
Electrolytic hydrogen from energy from waste could help kick-start the hydrogen economy


Aerial view of the enfinium Kemsley facility

Our facilities

We are proud that all four of our facilities rank within the top ten operational energy from waste facilities in the UK, for overall net carbon benefit for every tonne of waste processed.

View our facilities